Case Study – Upgrading to ABB Flame Scanners: A Seamless Transition for Domtar’s Pulp & Paper Power Boiler

In the world of industrial combustion, maintaining operational efficiency while ensuring safety standards can be a challenging balancing act. Domtar’s Espanola pulp & paper mill in Ontario, Canada, faced such a challenge with their power boiler #9. The need to replace aging flame scanners without undergoing a time-consuming and costly safety recertification process led them to ABB's cutting-edge flame scanning technology. Westech Industrial is proud to be the distributor of ABB Flame Scanners across Canada, offering innovative solutions that ensure both safety and performance.

Domtar’s Espanola
pulp & paper mill
in Ontario, Canada.
Domtar’s Espanola pulp & paper mill in Ontario, Canada.

ABB's 1:1 Replacement Solution

The journey began when Automation Specialist David Bench sought alternatives that would meet Domtar's stringent technical and safety requirements. The decision to opt for ABB's flame scanners and its sophisticated Flame Explorer software became a turning point. This choice allowed for a swift and low-impact retrofit of the power boiler to the latest hardware and software, with like-for-like acceptance by the local safety authority. As a result, no recertification was needed, marking a significant achievement in the project's execution.

The replacement was straightforward – ABB's flame scanners could be fitted into the existing mounts without any alterations to the installation inside the burner. This plug-and-play solution transitioned Domtar from 1980s analog technology to contemporary microprocessor-based flame scanners without needing significant mechanical or wiring modifications. The upgrade included the installation of four model SF810I-FOCUVIR flame scanners equipped with fiber optic assemblies and the latest version of Flame Explorer software, ensuring the boiler's capability to fire multiple fuel types efficiently and safely.

The Role of Flame Scanners in Combustion Safety

Flame scanners are critical in combustion safety, designed to detect the presence or absence of a burner flame and communicate with a Burner Management System (BMS) to prevent accidents. ABB's modern flame scanners bring this technology to the next level, offering compatibility with both ABB and third-party legacy systems. This versatility ensures that upgrades can be performed easily, enhancing safety without compromising on efficiency.

flame scanner with 1250
mm rigid extension
fiber optic assembly.
02 ABB SF810I-FOC-UVIR flame scanner with 1250 mm rigid extension fiber optic assembly.
03 Integrated
flame scanner
03 Integrated flame scanner

Operational Benefits and Future Plans

The operational benefits of ABB's technology have been evident. The Flame Explorer software provides capabilities for programming, identifying flame trends, and saving configurations, which are crucial for optimizing combustion efficiency based on various fuels and operating loads. Moreover, the ability to monitor flame quality trends is invaluable, allowing operators to anticipate and address potential issues before they lead to unplanned shutdowns.

David Bench's satisfaction with the ABB flame scanners' performance and the seamless installation process has paved the way for further upgrades. Encouraged by the positive outcomes, Domtar is preparing for the next order to retrofit boiler #8, indicating a strong endorsement of ABB's technology.

Learn More About ABB Flame Scanners

For those interested in exploring how ABB Flame Scanners can enhance your operational safety and efficiency, Westech Industrial offers comprehensive support and expertise as the distributor for ABB Flame Scanners across Canada. Our team is committed to delivering high-quality solutions tailored to meet your specific needs.

If you would like to learn more about ABB Flame Scanners and how they can benefit your operations, please visit Westech's product page on our website for more information and to get in touch with our experts.