WIN a Ticket to the Virtual AEC Automation Expo & Conference

Enter our draw to WIN a FREE ticket to the Virtual Automation Expo Conference (AEC), while attending the AEC you will earn a certificate for professional development hours (PDH) and you can find out how to WIN one of our premium Westech coolers.
The AEC is one of North America’s largest automation events and happens every two years. At each Expo, they welcome automation, instrumentation and control systems professionals from a diverse range of global industries including: oil & gas, petro-chemical, manufacturing, mining, power, water & wastewater, forestry, pulp & paper, agriculture and more…
This year's event will take place virtually on October 28. Location = Your office 🙂
The event will include:
- 3 headliners: Cory Janssen Vivian Krause & Renee Bassett
- 45 speakers.
- 40 virtual exhibits.
- 20 sponsors.
- Cyber Security
- Alarm Management
- Leak Detection
- Wireless
- New Technology
- Safety & Artificial Intelligence
The AEC is offering 7 conference tracks; each track includes a full day of expertly curated content dedicated to each of these topics.
At the end of the event, a certificate for professional development hours (PDH) will be available to all the attendees.

For a chance to win one of our premium coolers visit the Westech Industrial’s exhibit during the Expo and play the video on our page for details on how to enter your name into the draw.