Westech Consulting Services

Westech's team of Fire and Gas System specialists can provide you with complex consulting services that will increase your facility uptime and optimize ownership costs and safety. Prescriptive or performance-based methodologies may be used to meet the client’s needs.

Engineering Reports

Engineering reports may include but are not limited to:

  • Gap analysis and corrective measures for the Fire and Gas System (FGS) and associated alarm system
  • Assessments for system reliability and compliance with regulations, codes and standards
  • Remediation recommendations and cost estimates for improving system performance
  • Assessment of owner design and operational documents and records
  • Assessment of the field device hardware infrastructure
  • Assessment of Fire and Gas control/safety system hardware and software
  • Risk rationalization for system non-conformities

Performance-Based Fire and Gas Studies

Fire & Gas Mapping Effigy-3D-FGM-Coverage-Graded-Model-300x225

Performance-based Fire and Gas studies are used when the client wants to design or verify that the Fire and Gas system meets the tolerable risk criteria. The ISA TR84.00.07 technical report and Kenexis Effigy coverage mapping software are used to determine, then validate the design.

The steps performed during the course of a project are:

  • Define major equipment, process streams and hazards
  • Analyze hazards and define performance targets
  • Perform design basis consequence modelling
  • Verify coverage and analyze detector types, locations, orientations and set points

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